Tuesday, October 31, 2023

The Commie Left Is Melting Down (Ep. 2121) - 10/31/2023


Must-See Video Sums It All Up (Ep. 2120) - 10/30/2023


Does The GOP Still Matter? (Ep. 2119) - 10/27/2023


Protect Yourself At All Costs (Ep. 2118) - 10/26/2023


Is The Chaos Over, Or Just Beginning? (Ep. 2117) - 10/25/2023


A Deeply Impacting Experience (Ep. 2116) - 10/24/2023


The US is More Involved Than You Think (Ep. 2115) - 10/23/2023


Friday, October 20, 2023

The Worst Speech In Presidential History (Ep. 2114) - 10/20/2023


The Enemy Is Already Here (Ep. 2113) - 10/19/2023


The Facts About What Happened In Gaza Yesterday (Ep. 2112) - 10/18/2023


It Could All Go Down Today (Ep. 2111) - 10/17/2023


What’s coming next? The Answers Aren't Pretty (Ep. 2110) - 10/16/2023


Friday, October 13, 2023

They Can Shove Their “Day of Rage” Right Up There (Ep. 2109) - 10/13/2023


Be Very Careful, But Don't Live In Fear Of Fear (Ep. 2108) - 10/12/2023


BLM Just Showed Everyone What They Really Are (Ep. 2107) - 10/11/2023


Keep Your Head On A Swivel. The Signs Are Everywhere (Ep. 2106) - 10/10/2023


Get Ready. This Weekend Was Just The Beginning (Ep. 2105) - 10/09/2023


This Could Change DC Politics (Ep. 2104) - 10/06/2023


Bombshell Report Exposes FBI Targeting Trump Supporters (Ep. 2103) - 10/05/2023


What REALLY Happened with McCarthy, And The Next Steps (Ep. 2102) - 10/04/2023


It's All About Ukraine Money (Ep. 2101) - 10/03/2023


Another Democrat Scam Goes Down In Flames (Ep. 2100) - 10/02/2023